Progressive Massachusetts


Elected Officials

Malden City Councillor, Ward 3
Zayda and I have partnered on countless projects to serve our community. I’ve seen her leadership and effectiveness first-hand. When I have an idea, whether it’s policy focused or a new way to help those in need in our community, I know if I call Zayda she will show up, bring a crew of helpers, and get the job done. I can count on her, and I know we will be able to count on her at the State House.

Malden School Committee, Ward 4; Malden Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission, vice chair; Merry Malden, co-founder
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Zayda for many years, and throughout this time, she has consistently demonstrated a strong dedication to our community. She has been instrumental in identifying families in need, coordinating fundraising efforts, and overseeing logistics for pandemic relief, housing stability, and charitable causes. Zayda’s commitment to our community is unparalleled, and her reputation as a pragmatic and effective reformer is exactly what is needed for Malden and Medford. I am proud to endorse Zayda and encourage you to vote for her on September 3rd.

Malden City Councillor At-Large
I’m supporting Zayda Ortiz because she’s a leader who shares my values and gets stuff done. I’ve known Zayda for years, and have witnessed how she listens and works together with a huge range of people across our diverse communities, finding common ground. She has a strong track record getting results on the things I care about — support for families, education, housing, climate action, fair wages, infrastructure, and making sure our communities are welcoming for all. I’ve worked with her on both statewide ballot initiatives and neighborhood community projects. Zayda is the real deal and I hope you’ll join me to support her on September 3rd!

Malden City Councillor, Ward 5
Zayda has been a fierce advocate for human rights and for common sense government that really makes a difference in our everyday life. She will be ready, on day one, to lead the 35th Middlesex. There is no question: She is the right choice for our community
Former Elected Officials

Former City Councillor, Malden Ward 6
Why am I supporting Zayda? It’s pretty simple. Zayda. Shows. Up.
When there are folks who need help, when things are hard: Zayda is often the first one there. And when she gets there, she’s there to do the work. I’ve watched her walk into situations I would have thought were unsolvable, but she gets to work right away. She figures out who needs to talk to who, where the obstacles are, how to best organize the work, and communicates what success looks like. And then she drives change until that success is reality.
In my view, as a former elected official, Zayda is the best candidate in this race. She’s got what it takes to do this job but also to do it in a way that will bring the change we need. She’s an organizer through and through — and we need an organizer at the State House, working for all of us. I know she’ll represent the district with integrity, energy and determination. I hope you’ll join me in supporting Zayda on September 3rd!

Former School Committee member, Malden Ward 7
I am excited to endorse Zayda Ortiz. Having been an elected official and a long time advocate myself, as time goes on you know who in your community gets things done and has the connections to help your cause. Zayda doesn’t just show up, she is in the trenches doing the work and at the same time at the State House lobbying our officials for more aid and getting bills passed.
When the pandemic hit, she and her team started Malden Neighbors Helping Neighbors. MNHN crossed racial lines, economic lines, and age diversity. If you needed help, MNHN showed up for you and wanted nothing in return.
I spent a numbers of years fighting for the ban on child marriage. Zayda called me and asked: What can I do? She wrote letters and lobbied for us, always the warrior for human rights. Zayda has fought to fund our children’s education with the Fair Share Amendment, and for abortion rights with the ROE Act.
It’s easy to say you are going to do this or that – but to have someone like Zayda Ortiz as our State Rep – someone who is all about action – that is a game changer. We need this strong woman in office, she does the work and has the record to prove it. I hope you’ll join me and vote for Zayda Ortiz to be our next State Representative!
Residents of Medford & MAlden

Medford Resident
I have known Zayda since we worked together on the Delta Diversity project in 2017. We worked to bring awareness and begin conversations around Medford’s history and the legacy of the slave trade that bult Medford and our country. I was impressed with her ability to plan and build solid actions for our group, as well as lead the chage to move the initiative forward. She has my respect and my vote.

Chair, Malden Disability Commission
I have worked with Zayda and found her to be a thoughtful and effective leader. She is a dedicated community activist who understands the diverse needs of our neighbors and the importance of accessibility in all areas of life. I support her because she will be a strong advocate for all of her constituents.

Medford Parent and Nurse
As a nurse working with unhoused populations, I see every day the need for change and compassionate leadership. Zayda has been working on the ground in our community for years, and she knows how to get things done. She is deeply devoted to helping out neighbors thrive. This year, Zayda has my support!

Malden Residents, Ward 1
In 2018, Zayda helped organize the “Yes on 3” campaign to protect transgender rights. We are strong supporters of trans rights, but we needed someone to get us moving. Zayda helped us get out there with clipboards to collect signatures and make a difference. We also saw her adaptability and leadership skills first-hand. She’s talented, focused, and dedicated. We can’t imagine doing it without Zayda Ortiz, and we’re looking forward to what she can do for all of us as our State Rep.

Malden Residents, Ward 3
Zayda will be an effective State Representative because she has developed the necessary skills from decades of organizing. Isadel got to know Zayda when they were both members of Malden Community Organizing for Racial Equity (MaldenCORE). In this work, she saw Zayda’s intersectional and collaborative approach to problem solving many times over the years.
We trust that Zayda will push for legislation that meets the moment, including addressing our housing and environmental crises. We have seen Zayda show up again and again when there have been challenges facing our communities. Zayda is truly a helper who always centers the humanity of every person.

Malden Resident, Ward 3
When I first met Zayda at an Indivisible Mystic Valley meeting, I knew right away she was a visionary and a force of nature. She’s passionate, bright, and knows how to make things happen. I heard her say, “When we fight, we win,” and I didn’t doubt her for a second. I particularly love her stances on immigrant rights, queer and trans rights, disability rights, and unions. When she called to tell me she was running for office, I was thrilled and energized. She’s progressive and inclusive and fearless, and not only am I excited to vote for her, my whole household is.

Longtime Malden Educator and MTA Union Member
Zayda has been successfully fighting for years to secure funding for our schools. As an educator, I respect and admire her focus, dedication, and belief in the importance of creating meaningful connections between all of our diverse community members. We would all be fortunate to have Zayda working on our behalf at the State House.

Malden resident, Somatic and Embodied Social Justice Midwife, Teacher and Orchestrator (Projector).
Many candidates claim they run for office to ‘make government work for the people’ and ‘pass legislation that reflects our shared values.’ But too often, these promises fall flat. Zayda, however, brings decades worth of proven experience getting our governments to act on issues such as support for families, equitable access to education, housing, fair wages, infrastructure, and climate change. Whether in Texas, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, or in DC, Zayda has cultivated relationships and built coalitions and helped others navigate frustrating bureaucracy.
I first met Zayda through our work in MaldenCORE (Malden Community Organizing for Racial Equity), but her commitment goes far beyond that. She’s been a vital part of Malden Dems, Progressive Mass, Malden Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Mystic Valley Progressives, and so many more organizations and efforts. Through these diverse investments in relationship building, I recognize Zayda Ortiz as someone that’s interested in ensuring that every community member – regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation or class – feels included, heard, uplifted, and cared for. If you want a state representative that you can count on to continue walking the walk that they talk about during elections, then elect Zayda Ortiz.